Det går an (Paperback) Published September 1st by Klassikerförlaget Steniq. Paperback, pages. Author (s): Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. ISBN: (ISBN ) Edition language: Swedish. The book's social tendency aroused lively debate and "det-går-an literature" became a concept. One consequence however was that Almqvist was forced out of his post as rector at the New Elementary School, Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Det går an, by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Det går an, by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Det .
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Det går an, by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Det går an Author. Carl Jonas Love Almqvist, Almqvist also spelled Almquist, (born Nov. 28, , Ed, near Stockholm—died Sept. 26, , Bremen, Bremen), writer whose vast literary output, ranging from bizarre romanticism to bold realism, greatly influenced the development of Swedish bltadwin.rugh his work is uneven, he is a master of Swedish prose. After studying at Uppsala, Almqvist entered the. Det går an är en kortroman av Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. Den skrevs , publicerades till julen , men kom senare även att, i omarbetat skick, ingå i band III av den så kallade imperialoktavupplagan av Törnrosens bok, vilken utkom
Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. () Carl Jonas Love Almqvist är kanske den svenska litteraturens mest mångsidige författare. Hans författarliv omfattade både romantiken och realismen som litterära epoker, och han blev en mästare i alla tidens genrer. I sitt författarskap var han en svensk motsvarighet till beundrade utländska. Det går an (Hardcover) Published by Albert Bonniers Förlag. Special edition in collaboration with Expressen, Hardcover, pages. Author (s): Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. ISBN Average rating: (8 ratings). Det går an / efter Carl Jonas Love Almqvists roman ; dramatiserad av Pi Lind och Anne Marie Rådström ; med musik efter C.J.L. Almqvist av Ulf Björlin Almqvist, Carl Jonas Love, (författare).