In An Antique Land is effectively a rewriting of the ethno- graphic material of the thesis, but with a completely revolutionized focus. Amitav Ghosh was able in this book to present to the reader a completely different text than the traditional ethnographic texts. He is a real master of story telling and character creation/5(). In An Antique Land. The cover proclaims IAAL "History in the guise of a traveller's tale," and the multi-generic book moves back and forth between Ghosh's experience living in small villages and towns in the Nile Delta and his reconstruction of a Jewish trader and his slave's lives in the eleventh century from documents from the Cairo Geniza. In the s Amitav Ghosh moved into a converted chicken coop. Amitav Ghosh is one of India's best-known writers. His books include The Circle of Reason, The Shadow Lines, In An Antique Land, Dancing in Cambodia, The Calcutta Chromosome, The Glass Palace, Incendiary Circumstances, The Hungry Tide. His most recent novel, Sea of Poppies, is /5.
Amitav Ghosh. In an Antique Land is a subversive history in the guise of a traveller's tale. When the author stumbles across a slave narrative in the margins of an ancient text, his curiosity is piqued. What follows is a ten year search, which brings author and slave together across hundred years of colonial history. In an Antique Land. Amitav Ghosh. Granta Books, - Egypt - pages. 0 Reviews. Travel writing is traditionally the domain of the European writer: it is the English, the French or the German writer who discovers the marsh Arabs in Iraq, the monks in Tibet, a violent tribe in South America. Amitav Ghosh is approaching travel writing in the. In An Antique Land by Amitav Ghosh. Click here for the lowest price! Hardcover, , X.
"In an Antique Land is a brilliant hybrid, a subversive history in the guise of a traveller's tale." "It tells the story of two Indians in Egypt. The first was a twelfth-century slave; the second. In an Antique Land by Amitav Ghosh is half historical narrative, half anthropological study of a small town in Egypt, where Ghosh spent time as a young graduate student studying the lost city of Alexandria. The book examines Ghosh's own heritage and experience beside the culture of both ancient and contemporary Egypt, and the story of a Jewish trader who owned an Indian slave back in the twelfth century. IN AN ANTIQUE LAND, by Amitav Ghosh. The New York Times Book Review, Aug, 1, The Once and Future Egypt - The New York Times 3/23/19, 2 (42 PM ARCHIVES | The Once and Future Egypt By ANTON SHAMMAS AUG. 1, About the Archive This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in