Pensées by Blaise Pascal – Reviewed. Blaise Pascal’s Pensées is simply put, a book of wisdom. As merely a collection of thoughts jotted down in a notebook from the mind of one of the most brilliant of men to live, it qualifies as one of the most lucid collections of thoughts. Taking nothing away from Pensées, it goes without saying that. The facts of Pascal’s life, so far as they are necessary for this brief introduc- tion to the Pensées, are as follows. He was born at clermont, in Auvergne, in Pensées - Blaise Pascal. Référence: Cette édition des Pensées veut être aussi fidèle que possible aux intentions de Pascal, en particulier par l'établissement du texte entièrement relu sur le manuscrit et par les notes. Celles-ci présentent, en les citant in .
Thoughts (Pensées), by Blaise Pascal. by Rex Rouis. Blaise Pascal ( - ), was a child prodigy, and one of the greatest French mathematicians of his time. He was also a physicist, inventor, philosopher, and most importantly Christian author. Pascal's earliest work was in the natural and applied sciences where he made important. Pensées. Blaise Pascal, the precociously brilliant contemporary of Descartes, was a gifted mathematician and physicist, but it is his unfinished apologia for the Christian religion upon which his reputation now rests. The Penseés is a collection of philosohical fragments, notes and essays in which Pascal explores the contradictions of human. The Pensées ("Thoughts") is a collection of fragments written by the French 17th-century philosopher and mathematician Blaise's religious conversion led him into a life of asceticism, and the Pensées was in many ways his life's work. It represented Pascal's defense of the Christian religion, and the concept of "Pascal's wager" stems from a portion of this work.
Pensées. by Blaise Pascal. Title: Pensées. URL: Author(s): Pascal, Blaise () Trotter, W.F. (Translator) Publisher: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Grand Rapids, MI. Description: Rights: Public Domain. Date Created: Contributor(s): Jon Van Hofwegen (Markup) CCEL Subjects: All; Theology; Classic. Pensées by blaise Pascal, originally published in Project Gutenberg release [ebook #] April This etext was originally created by John Hagerson, LN Yaddanapudi, Juliet Sutherland. Samizdat, October Blaise Pascal was born in Clermont in , the son of a government official. During his short life he left his mark on mathematics, physics, religious controversy and literature. During his short life he left his mark on mathematics, physics, religious controversy and literature.