The Raj Quartet, Paul Scott's epic study of British India in its final years, has no equal. Tolstoyan in scope and Proustian in detail but completely individual in effect, it records the encounter between East and West through the experiences of a dozen people caught up in the upheavals of the Second World War and the growing campaign for Indian independence from by: · English author Paul Scott is justifiably most renowned for The Raj Quartet, four works that examine the British Raj in India through the spectrum of English and Indian characters. Despite their critics (including Salman Rushdie), The Jewel in the Crown, The Day of the Scorpion, The Towers of Silence, and The Division of the Spoils are some of the twentieth century’s most sensitive and . · Paul Scott - The Raj Quartet. The Jewel in the Crown. Daphne Manners arrives in Mayapore and meets two men who are to change her life: Hari Kumar and Ronald Merrick. The last days of the British Raj in India as the Second World War leads inevitably towards independence.
The Raj Quartet, and its sequel, Staying On, by Paul Scott, is a natural target for the reading I do as it is a book series, set in India and featuring a Booker Prize my reviews of this series, see the links below: The Jewel in the Crown (Raj Quartet 1) The Day of the Scorpion (Raj Quartet 2). The Raj Quartet (1): The Jewel in the Crown, The Day of the Scorpion. by Paul Scott. · Ratings · 26 Reviews · published · 2 editions. The Raj Quartet, Paul Scott's epic study of Briti. Want to Read. Paul Scott was born in London in He served in the army from to , mainly in India and Malaya. He is the author of thirteen distinguished novels including his famous The Raj Quartet. In , Staying On won the Booker Prize. Paul Scott died in
Paul Scott was a popular English author, playwright, poet, and novelist. He was particularly well known for his successful tetralogy series called The Raj Quartet. Paul’s popularity can also be judged by the fact that he was a Booker Prize winner, which he won in for his book called Staying On. In The Raj Quartet, Scott holds a large lost world of empire in the volumes that form the epic saga. His feat is equal to that of Tolstoy. He creates world in which one could dote in a state of timelessness. it is classic of its own kind. The Raj Quartet is one of the longest, most successfully rendered works of nineteenth-century fiction written in the twentieth century. It has something War and Peace lacks: an evil presence of enormous pathos. The Raj Quartet by Paul Scott (1, pages, Everyman’s Library, ).